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FEWE Eau So Happy Cologne

Adriana Motta

An uplifting CBD-infused perfume that supports the mood during all four phases of the menstrual cycle.

Mama Bear Diaper Pail Refill

Product concept

FEWE is a menstrual cycle care brand with a line of products designed to support the four phases of cycle (Flow, Soar, Transformation, Reset).

It uses CBD as a main ingredient. Described as an instant spritz of serotonin, the perfume

contains fresh and fruity notes and offers functional benefits to boost mood during the monthly menstrual cycle (eg calming and relaxing during week 1, energising during week 2, uplifting in week 4).

The website has a Cycle Education element that explains menstruation and hormones.


Mintel's 2017 BPC Trend Damsels in De-Stress introduced the concept of adaptogenic ingredients moving from nutrition into beauty. Mintel's 2019 BPC Trend Beauty With

a Brain examines this more closely with a focus on CBD.

35% of UK adults would choose one fragrance over another if it helped them feel relaxed/relieve stress.

Launched in the UK, Nov 2021, £68

Source: Kantar Profiles/Mintel, June 2021. Base: UK: 1,511 internet users aged 16+ who use perfume, cologne or aftershave


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