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Businesses must do more than just be sustainable.


Many businesses are still struggling to understand what sustainability means for them. In the past couple of years, it’s become increasingly clear that being sustainable is no longer enough. The growing power of Millennials and Gen Z consumers will accelerate this shift from simply doing good to doing well.

Businesses must do more than just be sustainable

Does sustainability have lost its sizzle?

For the first time, retailers, brands and package manufacturers can now benchmark themselves against a global standard. Sustainable Packaging Guidelines is a conversation starter that helps you make your packaging sustainable by moving towards circularity and reuse.

This is not a challenge; it’s an expectation. Consumers expect more from brands than ever before. The information age has brought us closer together and made each of us more connected than ever before. At the same time, it’s caused us to question everything we see and hear. When we hear a message, we want it to be real—and we want proof that it’s real. It’s critical for brands to align their messaging with consumer demand.

"Sustainable business practices have evolved from being a desirable activity to an expectation. The expectations have become personal and the results have become a social mandate for accountability. It means sustainable is just that: an expectation, rather than something for which one is rewarded. Going forward, the responsibility will be to people and the planet. The expectation will be that profits should be invested in doing good to benefit people and planet’’.


Business Opportunity

In a world where social, political and environmental issues are at the forefront of consumers' minds, companies are increasingly challenged to find tangible solutions.

The challenge is to develop new products and packaging formulations that live up to the most rigorous sustainability standards – while also addressing other sustainability concerns like air pollution, climate change and animal welfare.

Consumers today are more skeptical of companies' environmental efforts than in years past. Pushing products, services and programs that offer immediate impact while leaving room for the possibility of true innovation is key to winning trust and loyalty.


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